Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue used to be a problem among health care professionals. But, in today’s world, where every tragedy is instantly broadcast, compassion fatigue is no longer unique to certain healthcare workers and is faced by many professionals as well. Signs of Compassion Fatigue are:

  • Feeling burdened by the suffering of others
  • Blaming others for their suffering
  • Isolating yourself
  • Loss of pleasure in life
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Physical and mental fatigue
  • Bottling up your emotions
  • Increased nightmares

Those who find themselves in the throes of compassion fatigue, experts recommend the following measures for alleviation:

  • Enhance your awareness with education
  • Accept where you are on your charted path in life at all times
  • Exchange information and feelings with people who can validate you
  • Clarify your personal boundaries—what works for you and what doesn’t
  • Be kind to yourself
  • Express what you need verbally, and
  • Take positive action to change your environment.
  • Limit the amount of daily news you watch or read about
  • Count your blessings and be grateful for what is good in your life and in the world