Conduct Disorder

Conduct disorder is a deceitful behavioural trait that involves violating basic social rules and the rights of others. In some, it is a persistent and repetitive pattern, beginning at an early age, leading to impulsive and needless aggressive behavior. Conduct disorder may involve:

  • Assaults and other aggressive behavior that causes or threatens physical harm to others.
  • Behaviour that causes property loss or damage, such as burglary, vandalism and malicious intent.
  • Deceitfulness or theft.
  • Serious rule violations such as truancy, staying out late at night, trespassing and using drugs and alcohol.

Various factors contribute to conduct disorders like family, social environment and physiological characteristics. Children with conduct disorders are often found in disturbed families and disintegrated neighborhoods. Conduct disorder has varying degrees of severity. Parental abuse, onset of problem behavior in early childhood, financial hardship and lack of supervision, all contribute towards conduct disorder. A few ways of treating conduct disorder could be:

1) Monitoring of children’s activities and whereabouts by adult caregivers.

2) Individual behavioural Therapies such as using token economy methods.

3) counselling parents to ensure clear, direct and specific communication.

4) Reinforcement of positive behavior to be done through rewards. While adverse consequences may be necessary periodically, parent-child interactions should also include patience and rewards.