Psycho-Physiological Profiling and Performance Enhancement

We utilise state-of-the-art technology to conduct comprehensive assessments of psychological and psycho-physiological parameters critical to athletic performance.

Our services:

Psychological Assessment:

Simple Visual Reaction Time (SVRT; ms): Measures the time between stimulus presentation and response onset using a Reaction Time Apparatus.

Simple Auditory Reaction Time (SART; ms): Assesses auditory response times using a Reaction Time Apparatus

Choice Visual Reaction Time (CVRT) or Decision-Making Time (DMT; ms): Evaluates decision-making speed under varied stimuli conditions.

Flicker-Fusion (FF; Hz): Measures psychological and physiological fatigue by evaluating the rate of successive light flashes.

Measurement of Attention: Assessing the ability to focus on specific tasks or stimuli.

Concentration: Evaluating the intensity of mental focus over a period of time.

Vigilance: Monitoring sustained attention and alertness to detect and respond to stimuli.

Psycho-Physiological Assessment:

Electrodermal Activity (EDA; kΩ): Assesses skin resistance response to emotional arousal.

Heart Rate (HR; beats per minute): Monitored via pulse oximeter to gauge cardiovascular response.

Electromyography (EMG; µV): Measures muscle response or electrical activity, indicating muscle activation levels.

Skin Temperature (ST; °C): Reflects outer layer skin temperature and its relation to emotional states.

Breathing Rate (BR; breaths per minute): Monitors physiological processes involved in respiration, providing insight into stress and relaxation levels.

Brain Mapping: Utilises advanced techniques to assess ongoing Alpha brain activity, providing insights into cognitive processes and mental states.

Types of Sessions

  1. Individual Performance Coaching
  2. Mental Skills Training
  3. Pre-Competition Preparation
  4. Preparation Strategies
  5. Parent and Coach Consultations
  6. Goal Setting and Planning